Thursday, July 15, 2010

Divine Artistry's New Producer: Andy Gridley

So we have finally made our decision to head into the Studio with our new Producer, Andy Gridley, in early August! Andy is a very visionary and talented artist himself, being in the music industry for sometime now; which came blessing for us when he said yes to this project. This new project is very exciting for us all, because the material we are molding together is so much different from the Acoustic, unplugged material of our past. We are turning it up a notch and creativity is flowing within the band and our producer Andy. We already have about four new concepts and more on the way. New concepts,new style,and focus is driving us in the hopes to head to new places. We are all thriving in this together and seeking to present our first single in hopefully late August or earlier September. One big change for this project, might be a change in our band name but we are putting alot of time in effort to see what that might look like for us. We will be doing video, and photo updates in and out of the studio to show our progress and hopefully get you some sneak looks at our new tracks. Until then, check out our Producer Andy Gridley at:

~Divine Artistry~

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